I'm one who absolutely Loves and Values the Great Outdoors! But personally has never cared to actually Hunt. The latter does go back a lot to my "Niceness", -towards the idea of shooting / killing animals.

However, -This in no way effects or diminishes my beleifs in doing so for Survival, Defense, Food Procuration, or Wildlife Management of purposes. I'm also not oppossed to Hunting for Sport. So long as the latter is not of the "Shooting Fish in a Barrel", of a type!

For folks like us, I firmly beleive in the Value of at least knowing HOW to Hunt, Fish, Shoot,Trap, and etc. Of so knowing and being familiar with, Hunting etc, Firearms, Wildlife, Food Forageing, Survival of course, -along with so many other aspects of our Great Outdoors!

Even I wouldn't hesitate a moment to hunt for Food!, Defense and Protection, etc.

(When everyone else was mysteriously Grossed Out back in hi school Biology's disections, -I hadn't the slightest problem. Nor did I when once helping to gut a freshly slaughtered cow.)

Hunting and such? At least know and be somewhat familiar with the HOW of it. Your Life, -as well as that of Others around you, -could just someday depend on it.

Pardon Please a bit of upcoming redundancy that I've found in my Edit. But I want to parpsh the following points in somehow. Here they are,-

And so this Non-Hunter is far from totally oppossed to Hunting. This non-hunter in recent years has been Reading, -not passing over, -anything on such that comes my way. I've just picked up a late 60's copy of "The Hunting Encyclopedia". A Chock Full of Information sort of tome!

There's also the Great Outdoors Personal Experience Values involved! As too can be gained from such HOW sources. As exemplified in Outdoor Life's great feature, -"This Happened to Me!" As well as from among many other sources.

Again, -Do at least know something of the HOW! Of Hunting and it's Associated Like. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]Christina[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (10/04/04 11:11 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.