I perceive to some degree this is drifting from the original intent of the poster regarding the need/desire to learn to hunt. If so, I suggest we can start a new thread or with the permission of Christina and/or Chris/Doug we can continue our discourse on this thread.

I too have fasted for several days, under controlled conditions, i.e. at home/work, not in the woods or out in the wet and cold for any significant period of time. I agree with you that missing a few meals for most folk is not an issue and is most likely beneficial. I, however diverge with this belief when the body is under stress, such as being borderline hypothermic. I believe and think that I can support my point of view with anecdotal and scientific data that an individual can prevent or recover from hypothermia more readily if they have a ready source of quickly digestible and sustainable calories. In addition, I would contend that an individual under both physical and emotional stress could function with greater purpose and coherence if they have that same ready source of quickly digestible and sustainable calories. I have witnessed many individual performing strenuous activities, associated with rescues quickly decompensate due to a lack of energy reserves. I feel that even for short term survival, an individual who has a few “power bars” or other energy providing food source will be able to resist the development of hypothermia, be able to perform activities associated with the survival mode (such as shelter building, fire making, etc.), as well as make more coherent decisions then an individual who is lacking an energy source. Pete