I got hooked into watching it last night because a preview showed a knife thrown into a chair (How did a wooden backed chair get on the airplane?) next to where someone was sitting (Also another wooden chair! Those of you that fly regularly have got to tell me why airplanes are using wooden chairs.).

First off, the knife was way too flexible and the blade design looked like a kitchen knife. The knife wielder then kicks open an aluminum box that contains what looked like the Knife Channels "60 knives for $22.00". They were chincy looking knives (I do not know the high end market well and may be insulting some quality knife makers, but all the knives had that high sheen on the blade that are a trademark of low quality, high luster Pakistani knives.), but I was hooked, wanting to know this guys background.

I should have quit watching when this pimple head went into the woods to catch and slit the throat of a wild pig with his knife in his hand instead of attaching it to a stick for use a thrusting spear, but I didn't. Well, the dingleberry comes back with a pig after some misadventures and yes its throat had been slit, and the knife was still not attached to a stick

The real idiocy of the writing (They know most people seem to lose the brains they were born with once television starts defining reality.) comes at the end of the show where it shows the guy was in a wheelchair for 4 years before the crash, happened to wake up laying on the sand after the crash, and got up and just started walking on legs that had not supported weight for 4 years.

Beyond the above, it now seems everyone in the series has a knife because pimple head saw fit to bring such a large quantity with him. The ?main? so-so woman with the ?level? head on her was shown wearing her knife near the front so that it kind of settled on the inside of her thigh. Kinsey must be turning over in his grave trying to get out so he can choke the banality out of the writers of this crap.

They had a couple of ghost like appearances by a President Bush lookalike (See, I told you it was an evil President cloning dinosaurs to seek out weapons of mass destruction.) who must have had weak kidneys or a bladder problem because he kept disappearing into the bushes(Small "b", not his relatives.).

I have gotten more entertainment banging my head against a door jamb and in the process resecured some of the nails, than I got from the "Lost" program last night.

Bountyhunter <img src="/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />