Very cool!
I found a new way to pack it <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> it makes even more room, and fits perfectly.
I tossed the tea candle. After browsing the equipped website, apparently it melts if it's hot outside, and it's really not a candle for outdoors. The wax liquifies, and the flame is small. This means any jarring or wind can either put it out, or spill the metal bowl of liquid wax. No thanks...
With that gone, I can fit a mini altoids tin in there. Inside the altoids tin, the two wire saws wrap nicely and out of the way. In the middle is room for snare wire or firestarting tinder. Since I don't know how to use snare wire, and I should really have some tinder, I'll probably buy tender and put it in there.
This also made room for yet another LED (brighter, white light, a little bigger in diameter. It's above the mini altoids tin in the picture)
Round tea candles are clearly not very space efficient <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Now with the extra room....
A locking folding blade (keychain sized, mostly serrated, but it's all I've got this size for now)
Smaller magnesium fire starter
5 eye screws
On top of that, I can now add tylenol, sunscreen, antiseptic towelettes, and other small "packets" inside the tin itself.
Again, still slightly incomplete... but I'm usually on the lookout for other goodies to add (condoms or bags, flat roll duct tape, tinder...)
The idea is this: The survival tin can act as a standalone PSK. Combine it with the camera case, and you get shelter and a few other goodies in a "belt" kit
The first picture shows the kit in the middle, a first aid kit on the right (still working on that one) and an M&M's mini tube filled with enough 550 cord to make a swiss seat (6 feet or so).