I take it you don't live in Florida and have never dealt with a hurricane warning.
Poured reinforced concrete homes are all the rage in Sweden.
Yea, they are in Florida too. Built by a company called DiVosta. Unfortunately, they are expensive. I guess we're just supposed to hope we can afford one.
Buy slab property, put your so called moblie home on a frame with wheels and tow it away when needed.
Let's see. Three hurricane scares in the last 4 weeks. We would have towed that puppy to Georgia and back three times at about $2000 a pop. $6000. Yea, I got that laying aroud the house somewhere.
Ok, I'll need a Class A size to fit my family of 4. Guess I'll give the dog away because they are not allowed in most camper parks. Hope the schools are good in that part of town surrounded by bars and strip joints.
Get your best stuff in the truck, have good insurance and drive away
What if you don't own a truck? And "good" insurance is impossible to get since Hurricane Andrew. Oh, and you better leave a week ahead of the storm or you'll hit a bottleneck in Jacksonville and likely run out of gas as all the stations will be out. Watch the storm come in over I-95 from the comfort of leather seating. Also hope you have an understanding employeer who agrees with your evacuation strategy.
Certainly a viable alternative if you can find a job that pays enough elsewhere.
How many times does this need to happen before people wise up?
Wise up and do what? Abandon the State of Florida back to the Seminole and Mikasukke tribes?
People who voluntarily stay and ride out these storms are doing the gene pool a favor.
I guess you better nominate me and my entire neighborhood for the Darwin awards. The eye of Frances past over our town. We got the eyewall twice. We all came through just fine.
Sorry if I sound a little flippant, but this is a complex problem that is not solved by over-simplified generalizations.
Stay safe.