
I hope your comments are in gest and relating to the recent "comments" of the member "Flippant" in the AWB thread.

Flippant's comments in this thread are the reason I'm glad I live in FLA.


I guess I'm doing the gene pool a favor, (with my high tax bracket, survivalist instinct, and advanced education) by staying here.

I'm sure my willingness to help out after the storm with EMT, BC, and Comm's skills is a favor to the gene pool too.

Come to think of it, I've ridden out every storm in FLA since I've lived here (25yrs). The genny's are gassed, the batteries are charged, and the guns are loaded. Why don't ya come on down here and see what your superior intellect can add to our obviously deficient gene pool?

We're waitin' for ya!

You know, quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of people judging my (and other Floridian's) situation from a thousand miles away. You wanna judge me? Come on down.

Tell then, STFU. <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />