Maybe oversimplified and off the cuff (not meant ot be taken literally granted but:

Why stay in the path of a killer storm?

There is no excuse to put your family at risk when and if you have the means to leave temporarily and have plenty warning.

From what I hear people are deciding to move from Florida because of the prediction this is going to be a yearly thing multiple storms.

Limiting ones exposure to risk in the first place is a basic fundamental of survival I believe.

If Florida is devastated yearly maybe it is time to abandon the state, what good is it if you can't afford to build storm proof housing. As humans we are sometimes slow on the uptake maybe after rebuilding your home the 5 th time in 5 years it may sink in.

There are other jobs and states.

I do feel for people in a situation where they can't afford to leave or physically can't but fail to see why one would stay for any other reason. Time to get out of Dodge.
