Actually, that list only covers common Net acrynyms, I'm rather up on those. I'm more interested in the survival specific ones. That other link you posted lists a few though, that helps.

I'm also struggling with the best EDC knife. I have a need for a knife that a lot of you haven't thought of- carving the sharp bite spikes on my dog's frisbees after she'd caught them a few times. The tiny Gerber Ultralight LST is perfect for that, with it's short wide blade. But I also want a toothpick, so a Swiss Army Knife would seem to be a good idea, but the little blade on the smallest one is not very comfortable. Right now I've got both on my keychain, but I prefer a minimal keychain. SAK seems to be the only ones that put a toothpick on their knives, did they patent that or something?

Edited by GoatRider (08/28/04 08:47 PM)
- Benton