
The mink glove issue came from an old James Bond movie, no hidden meaning intended.

I have heard you cat people really "put on the dog" (An old saying that means doing something on a grand scale.) so I shouldn't be suprised at the expense you are willing to go to in order for your cat to feel pampered.

Last dog I had was a german shepard trained in Serbian who cost me quite a bit of money in paying off people he bit. The period of time that I had him, we had a lot of break-ins of homes in our area. They hit a house across the street with 2 labrador retrievers that would probably have hauled the stuff to the burgalars house if he had loaded them up with saddle bags.

No one came near our house.

The dog slept outside winter and summer in a raised floor insulated house that I built which had an interior wall so that he was not directly in front of the entrance, a swinging plexiglas door for keeping out drafts, and a tilting roof so that he had ventilation with the door removed, and the interior wall removed in the summer. He rarely came into the house unless I was gone for the night, in which case he was in the family room to watch over my parents.

I was raised and I believe that working animals belong outside the house unless they are companions or help mates (Seeing eye dogs, etc.).

I'll probably get a lot of flak over my views of how to keep pets, but I would never own a warm weather pet in Wisconsin even if I were to keep it in a heated environment. It goes against nature and only feeds the human ego (Boy!, am I looking for flak or what?).

Bountyhunter <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />