hey britboy :WELCOME to the forum....on the subject of the alice packs like some of the folks that have already answered i to was a former infantryman and have humped both the med.and large many a mile...the packs are hardwearing and easy to repair and modify...and depending on where you shop they should be cheap at least for the med.size with shoulder straps used excellent cond....they tend to be abit more for a largeruck and frame...remember to carry the large ruck you NEED to use the frame.....if you have your heart set on a alice pack make sure it's gov't issue ie..U.S. made there are alot of far east copys around be aware...having said that yes i stil use a large alice pack and some times a med.size to ....it depends on the weather and what i plan to do... i also own a berghaus vulcan and munro both are outstanding british made packs......what ever you get allways buy quality kit... alot of folks do'nt like military o.d. gear for one reason or another if your not that kind of person go for what you know <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.....vince g. 11b inf...