I’ve been using Backblaze. No cap on how much data to backup from a single PC. Good pricing for the industry. Excellent documentation and tech support. A backup agent that runs the way I like it — defaults work great for most users, but I am able to dig deep into settings and change them, easily. From my perspective, the backup agent’s bugs have been ironed out and it’s been darn near bulletproof. The biggest con is that initial upload of your files is likely to take A Very Long Time Indeed.

They do end-to-end encryption. If I chose to, I could retain the encryption keys and then they would not be able to decrypt my data, a tradeoff I’ve chosen not to make.

There are a few individual things that are stored encrypted but the bulk of my data is important to me, and to my family, and not to any potential identity thieves and so on. I’m choosing greater availability of my data over greater confidentiality.