10/9/2022 3 Boaters rescued in Gulf after 28 hours
I give links below to the various accounts (some apparent contradictions, as usual), which y'all can read, but after a quick skim, here's my ETS summary:
The boat sank 10 AM Saturday after taking on water when the waves picked up. Boat went down quickly - got life jackets on, got out one VHF message, lashed ice chests together, and that was about it.
Tried their cell phones throughout the day - no service.
Relatives called them in overdue that evening.
Coast guard flew over ca. 2AM - tried to signal with flash from iPhone - no luck (full moon).
Next day, got service for a moment, texted screenshot of the position on Google Maps (no coordinates) before phone died.
I think power management on the critical iPhone was one thing they did pretty well on.
What helped
- Their life preservers
- An impromptu raft made from coolers (may have helped them with spotting, if nothing else)
- they had a waterproof case for the critical cell phone.
- critical cell phone had enough charge to get text out ca.
24 hours later (kept in "airplane" mode for the most part)
- were able to drive off shark by poking it in the eyes
Good fortune:
- enough time to get life jackets on (which apparently they were not wearing, per their account and their pre-event photo)
- drifted into an area with cell coverage
- were spotted visually in the day absent any strong visual
signature enhancements, especially the lone swimmer far
from the impromptu raft
Bad fortune
- Their VHF distress call before the boat went down got no response.
- Wind and current prevented them from getting to the oil platform they had been next to.
What could have helped:
- PLB would have been really useful (GPS coordinates + homing signal)
- SEND like inReach or SPOT would be good, too
- Including the GPS coordinates with the emergency text
(lots of ways to do that - Compass app, Google maps, etc., though none insanely straightforward. I have a free iPhone app called "My GPS Coordinates" that is very straightforward).
- Signal mirror (was full moon that night, sunny on day of rescue) would have made spotting them easier.
- some potable water in the coolers, or sun protection.
https://www.today.com/video/boaters-who-...rs-150457413677(7) [ includes video with coast guard]