The honeybee issue shows how often we disregard mor.
e frequent, less noteworthy events and focus on more spectacular occurrences.
Working in volunteer search and rescue in southern Arizona for many years, it was surprising to learn that the leading cause of fatalities in our area was drowning, often in flash floods, followed by falls ( usually more than 40 feet).
The real threats don't often create headlines......
Conversely, a lot of folks go armed into the wild, usually for protection, when nearly all of the time, they are dragging useless weight, instead of something like more water or climbing rope, which could be far more useful.
Let me be clear -I am a firearms owner, a 2A supporter, but my experience is that a weapon is rarely needed, ot that it is the bst tool for the job.
Edited by hikermor (04/24/22 04:20 PM)
Geezer in Chief