Willie,<br><br>Nothing perfect <grin>. If you can locate surplus US OG trousers (wool), they work fine and made you look like a VERY experienced Scouter - I think the old time dress trousers looked exactly the same (were the same?). Those look like part of a snazzy class A. New and used are available in all the various sizes, but it may take a little patience. I think the used ones run a bit one the small side from listed size, so you may want to err on the large side when sizing them.<br><br>Althoug BSA calls the new trousers "action fit", I reckon it's for office action - look at the difference between properly fitted modern utility uniforms and these. Because of that, it's hard to get from here to there...<br><br>I am aware that some troops specify surplus uniform trousers (usually BDUs) as Class A - certainly within the equipment tradition of BSA, although very much against the grain from a "Official BSA" point of view. I think I understand why - just wish they would come up with a better trouser at a less costly price. The pants are not all bad - an improvement over the previous ones. But cotton-poly is not treated cotton-nylon (altho it IS "permanent press"), and those so-called cargo pockets are a joke - just patch pockets.<br><br>The cargo pockets on BSA pants ought to be sized at least large enough to comfortably hold a BSA Handbook... which also makes them handy for other things. I can't comfortably get a GEM in these (There's a thought - a GEM version of the Scout Handbook!)<br><br>And the elastic waistband - sheesh! Is that ever uncomfortable! Pull tabs are simpler and more reliable.<br><br>The reinforcement is fine and they are at least not confining in cut, so as I say, not terrible at all - just disappointingly less than they could be.<br><br>I use OD Field Trousers on outings and they sorta look right - from a distance. Right color, "wrong" shape (baggy). Obviously the pre-BDU fatigue trousers (cotton) would look OK, but I do not see any advantage to them over the official pants.<br><br>Maybe someone else can chime in here? I'm not really an expert on this topic.<br><br>Tom