Here is the relevant post:

Just added up my figures - came to a total of $432, subtracting REI's money back patronage dividend (typically 10%), the total expenditure would be under $400, substantially cheaper than the $562 quoted price tag.

I would add several items, notably a compass, signal mirror, and a headlamp. Another item of huge importance is a map or mapping capability - my preference is a reasonably up to date USGS based topographic map, like those issued by National Geographic.

Food is an interesting issue. As the reviewer correctly states, good meals are not an immediate concern. This is true if one is sedentary and not doing arduous travel. If hiking, better chow is a real good idea - at least some kind of caffeine for morale, if nothing else. I deleted food from my above calculations - that is a highly personal issue. I tend to grab GORP, a few energy bars, and a Tanka bar or three as I head out the door - many more calories, and actually nutritious...

In the real world, of course, you will not set down and order blindly from any catalog. Begin with things at hand, items with which you are familiar, and then add to the assemblage as you run across promising gadgets which will eventually be folded into the mix, based on trial and experience. Ultimately this will be cheaper, not that it matters. When your gear must perform, the last consideration is the cost of the item - does it work as expected?

And ideally, this equipment is used, demonstrating its capability, and not stowed away, awaiting a FIAT (Future Imaginary Apocalyptic Time) when society disintegrates and murderous mobs emerge. FIATs may occur, but erupting volcanoes are more common.

Actually, I had trouble finding items of as low effectiveness as the items included in the 73; I substituted a headlamp for their flashlight.- Most glaringly the omission of a headlamp, a signal mirror, and a compass. This is an astonishing deficiency, and that isn't the end of the shortcomings .

Especially lacking are the cold weather items. Yes, they do include mylar sheets which reflect 90% of your body head. Read the fine print - they reflect 90%mo of your radiant heat. That works well in space, but here on earth, convection and conduction are the dominant mechanisms for heat transfer. The mylar sheets do keep off rain and wind which is some benefit.

I thought it interesting that they did include a beanie, although a balaclava helmet would have been better, but they omitted a full brimmed hat, a vital item in hot climates. Of course this is a problem due to the lack of specificity with regard to climate and environment, always a problem with one-size-fits-all assemblages.

I sincerely hope that if you really intend to use this kit, you will give it a trial run or two (even just in your backyard would be sufficient) and make adjustments and additions accordingly. Your life is worth it.

Edited by hikermor (04/14/21 12:00 AM)
Geezer in Chief