Well for one, let's start with the backpack. You adhere to the grey man (or woman) strategy. How dos carrying a branded survival pack help there?

I think the grey man stuff is excessive paranoia, anyway.

I can pick at least three of my current daypacks that are better built, with greater capacity, and comfort. They also have adequate hip belts, a crucial item.

Their multitool is highly suspect. Some no name knockoff leatherman. My EDC is a Skeletool and I have several Ltools on the shelf which are better.

Their canteen is a joke. I often use recycled energy drink containers with more capacity and greater capability, among others. The capacity of their canteen is inadequate for almost any purpose.

I was blown away at the audacity of including alkaline batteries (alkaleaks) especially in the well known deficient three AAA format. At least use primary lithium batteries, for heaven's sake!

Chintsy little flashlight. Your primary light should be a dependable headlamp, backed up with a decent flashlight (probably your EDC)

I can go on, but the bottom line is - establish your own emergency kit, aligned with your capabilities and situation. Do not depend on a one-size-fits-all solution with an eye of the bottom line.

When you are trying to stay warm and the wind is blowing, and the rain or snow is falling, the last thing that matters is the price you paid for your gear. Does it work or not, that is the question...

It helps if you are familiar with the items in your kit. That is why you begin with existing gear that you are familiar with and that you know. That's a considerable savings right there.

Another point. your emergency kit should not be put on a shelf, gathering dust. For several years (more than two decades) I kept a bag packed and ready to go as a member of a volunteer search and rescue unit. This bag was changed on a seasonal basis, as we contended with desert heat and sub zero conditions at different times of the year and a variety of circumstances - technical climbing terrain, caves, swift water, etc.

I know you favor this kit, but it is high priced garbage, believe me...
Geezer in Chief