Mine's 29.5 pounds (Weighed it on a postal scale)

It feels heavy as hell. I can walk around on level pavement for 4 miles with it (did it once, probably could do it again).

I have no CLUE as to how to get under that weight, and even AT that weight, there are still some very critical things I know I'm missing.

I'm planning for 72 hours minimum, stretchable to a week, off of that pack. Expected to be on foot at start of emergency, inappropriately dressed (clothing not conducive to survival)...thus, a change of appropriate clothing must remain in the BoB. Water is a must. Fire, Light, Food, and a tarp for shelter are corner stones. All the other crap is "Ya know, it'd be nice ta have that when I'm out in the middle of nowhere and don't have a Wal-Mart to toddle off to..."

Any suggestions for lightening the load?
