Thanks, Blast & Chaos, for the propane info. Several questions -
Q1. For something for the Generac LP3250, how much does it weigh?
Q2. Can it be tied directly into the house power system by having an electrician install a transfer switch?
Q3. Does it have computerized components that would be fried in a solar storm or EMP?
Q4. Run periodically to keep from freezing up (mechanically, not temperature)? How long?
Q5.Other than oil and filter, what maintenance?
A1. 137lbs without a 20lb fuel tank
A2. Yes, along with four 120VAC/20A outlets it also has one 120/240V twist-lock outlet that can be connected to the house.
A3. Good question. It doesn't seem to have a computer and looking over the manual, nothing jumps out at me that would need a computer.
A4. Nope, that's the main reason I went with propane over gasoline. The carburetor doesn't get gummed up. Once I'm done using it I follow the instructions to pull the spark plug, pour 15cc of the oil into the cylinder, and pull the pull start four times to spread the oil around. Then reinstall the sparkplug and shove it into the garage until the next disaster.
A5. Change the spark plug every season or before use...which I haven't actually done. Check the air filter before each use, replace if overly dirty. Also note, propane cylinder valves have an expiration date and once it expires propane refillers won't refill it. It's easy enough to swap an expired 20lb tank but I'm not sure what to do with my two 100lb tanks.
