+1, Eugene. You need a generalized, all purpose which will serve in a variety of circumstances.

Case in point, When i bugged out from a major wildfire three Years ago, I had no idea initially where I would end up. So I grabbed my bag, my cash stash, the pets, mrs. Hikermor, and hit the road.

The first, what was left of it, we parked in a quiet street. Second night, we got a room in a nice motel, courtesy of my BIL (He had point), and se spent three pleasant night there, retuning eventually to an intact home.

mY Bag had basics, FAK, water, a small alcohol stove, some snack, etc. I laded up on a three liter jug of water, and for good measure, threw in my CERT pack. Bugging out by vehicle is pretty simple, sheelter in provided by you wheels, and you probably have some basic stuff, already stowed.
Depending on you local situation, you should have a idea of what scenarios are most probable

Probably for most of us, a basic day pack 9the ten essentials)(plus a sleeping bag and stuff for a tarpshelter would do fine. Adjust for the seasons
Geezer in Chief