What are your preps for diarrhea, constipation, and all those things that accompany changes in diet and daily routines?

We should not forget old wisdom, or folk medicine.
Yugort is good for diarrhea, so is heavy tea without sugar

In grid-down, or general hard times, or any kind of unforseen stuff, local or old medicine always saves the day. I remember two years ago, I was at my brother's house in another town. I got a bad toothache out of no-where. I was far from my well-stocked pantry and medicine cabinet. He brought me a small piece of mihr (?sp?). I just put it on my tooth for half an hour and I was OK. Since then. mihr(?sp) is always present in my portable pharmacy. It works as local pain killer , and antibiotic.

So, same goes for herbal teas, like mint, hibiscus, thyme , anise, and others.