Monday was not a great day for me! I woke up an hour early with a pain in the ear and a really dry right eye but kind of brushed it off and headed to work. As the day wore I noticed that the right side of my face was pretty much paralyzed.

I can close my right eye but only if I also closed my left.
Hmmm, that's not quite right I thought. Worked the whole day like that (maybe not my brightest move) and hit Urgent Care on the way home. They don't have the diagnostics and refer me to the ER. Great, there goes the rest of my night. At any rate, after an MRI and blood workup to rule out a stroke or tumor it seems to be classic case of Bell's Palsy. In the grand scheme of things I guess that beats a stroke or tumor but I'm not looking forward to steroids and anti-virals. The one plus is that at least it's not contagious/communicable. Once I get my scrips filled I'll be able to work, probably taking it a little bit easier for a couple weeks. And a joyful thought; the doctor said I might have to tape my danged eye shut when I sleep so I don't dry out my cornea and go blind.

But aside from he says nothing to worry about.
Kind of a bummer but I'm relieved it wasn't something worse!