I recently bought "false" paracord, but decided to use it to try the "Slatts knot", to see how much paracord it allows to conceal.
Here is the result of my first trial. Not perfect, but I will replace it when I will get some genuine paracord.
As I still don't know how to make a belt (how to easily attach the fastening clips), I choose to make a crown, to adorn my hat :
In that crown (6 rows of cord), I have about 19 meters of cord !!!?!
Amazing , indeed ....
Making an 80 cm long belt out of it, it's about 25m of paracord I'll be able to stock that way.
(please, no comments on what I must look like, with that hat on ! <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
At least, I am protected from sun or rain ! and that's the only purpose of it ! It's not designed to make me look sexy - anyway, I don't, with or without the hat <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> )