The way I look at "grey"-everything is not because of mobs necessarily, but to avoid ANY kind of unwanted attention. In my corner of the world, most people are for enjoying life to the point that much of the talk about safety (not even survival) is not very welcome. A few years ago, I have donated fire extinguishers and rechargeable emergency lights to a social center, and when I visited the place a few months later saw the fire extinguishers thrown in a storage room with a heap of miscellaneous stuff. Emergency lights were on the wall but not plugged to be charged.

These people also behaved recklessly during corona pandemic; they held engagement parties ...etc. despite everyone calling for social distancing and wiser measures.

I would like to call them "soft mob". Not aggressively attacking others and grabbing their stuff, but their lifestyle and behaviour nevertheless threatens your safety and survival. They are relatives, and relatives of relatives. They live around us and we cannot live a 1000 miles away from them.

It is for this "soft mob" that I want to be a greyman. I don't want them to know my stock of gloves, hand sanitizer, or 10 boxes of first aid kits, let alone my food stock. Yes, I am a giver usually, but I don't want to be known to unwise people who would live carelessly, and when SHTF would panic and demand more than they need and then waste it. SHTF may change their thinking and make them wiser, but it seems to be temporary. I have seen it during periods of lockdown during the past few months.