I've gone to FAQ, My Home, and Main Configuration. The Password Box, as well as it's Verification Box, -was Filled up with Dots, -19 or 20 of them to each box, I think.
A Password must be between 4 and 20 Characters.
The New Password I'm Trying for, -is of 12 Letters. Certainly between such 4 and 20.
Yet after hitting Submit, Logging Off, -Trying to Re-Log On with my New Password, -I get a Message saying that my Password must be between those 4 and 20 Characters! Well it of course Already Is! What Gives here!
For the Time Being of course, -I've Gone Back to my Great and Special Password I've been using All Along!
For Security and Personal Reasons, -I'm now Looking for Another!
How do I Get Around this Quandary I've now Run Into?! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.