I got my Tech license, was in the General class, but then that got canceled due to the virus.

So I'll get General sooner or later, realistically not for a few months at least. Even if I studied at home, I believe all the testing has to be done in person - and all the VE exams around here have been canceled too.
Doesn't really matter though. I don't have an HF rig and won't for quite a while. Tech privileges are all I need right now. All's I have is a 2m/70cm handheld. FWIW, after a bit of testing side by side, I conclude that a Yaesu FT-60R absolutely stomps a Baofeng UV-5R in performance and usability. Both improve greatly with a better antenna installed. The club I joined gave us newbies that took their class and joined the club a free Baofeng. The Yaesu is one that a friend let me borrow. I will be buying my own FT-60R shortly. I really like the features and performance of that handheld, even though it is quite an old design and doesn't have all the latest digital technology (something i don't care about).
Adding the text from pforeman's post that I was responding to above. I forgot to quote it originally, and I'm sure many were wondering how in the heck my post about HAM radio ended up in this thread!
Started to work with Ham radio but know just enough about that with my Tech license to know I'm fairly clueless but working on it! One resource I've used:
https://www.khanacademy.org/ where some of you home-bound folks may find some ideas too.