Thanks for replying, AndyO. Rats, and they look so cool, too. I guess I was just looking for new toys. <br><br>I already have a Mini Fox 40 whistle and a Suunto Comet (combination button compass and thermometer). They're part of my kit. <br><br>I also bought an plastic orange match vial at a local army-navy store and loaded it with Ohio Blue Tip strike anywhere matches. I have found, however, that you can't really strike them ANYWHERE and get results. Well, I can't, anyway. Most of the time the white phosphorus tip falls off! I also found the striker built into the bottom of the plastic vial is useless.<br><br>That's when I sighed with frustration and thought about getting a Zippo lighter, or maybe one of those butane-powered micro-torches available from hobby shops.<br><br>Craig<br><br>