Originally Posted By: haertig
Second, a warning without any hint at what the warning is about is not a very useful warning.

You're right. The problem exists on multiple fronts. Some of it is beyond my paygrade and, admittedly, may sound like tin foil hat conspiracy theories. I'm posting this one, not only because it is something I do comprehend; it also can be confirmed by recognized news sources.

The New York Federal Reserve is printing $75 Billion a day and is releasing it into the banking system because of the interest rates between banks have skyrocketed to 10%. The question is, why? What is happening in the banking system for them to have this cash flow problem? Banks are in trouble. The question is, which ones? If they know which banks are in trouble, people would be withdrawing their money out of those banks, money which these banks do not have. Banks can shut down. When banks shut down, what happens to your money?


What I linked is just one source. Other articles can confirm this. I can post them if need be.

Jeanette Isabelle
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday