More important than hemostatic gauze is the knowhow to
pack the wound to stop the bleed. If you are skilled with plain gauze (purpose-made or improvised) then hemostatic gauze is a nice extra tool to have, especially Celox for those on blood thinners. If I'm managing a bad bleed and I have hemostatic gauze, it goes in first. If that roll pack doesn't fill the void, then plain gauze goes in on top of the hemostatic. Pack it precisely at the bleed site, then pack tightly north/south/east/west into the void. Hold direct pressure if the situation allows, then place a pressure bandage or ACE wrap on the gauze pack.
An 18-D instructor told me he actually prefers plain gauze and ACE wraps over fancy hemostatics and Israeli bandages. But I really like Israeli bandages since they are so versatile for the weight.
If you have the presence of mind, tying a tight little knot at the beginning of the gauze strip creates a 'power ball' which you put directly at the bleed, and the pack job puts pressure on the power ball.
'Stop the Bleed' education campaign is a surprisngly good curriculum. It is a miracle that we are now actively teaching laypersons to use tourniquets and wound packing. Find a class, they're widespread and inexpensive.