Many years ago, in Florida, I was shooting at a large sand pit. I had a 22 cal rifle and was on the rim of the pit shooting down. It was unique in that the sand was absolutly uniform in texture and I could actually see the bullet as it traveled.

There was a crow sitting on a pole... which was just toooo tempting a target for this young lad. I drew a bead on it and fired. As the bullet approached, the crow flew up a few feet, the bullet passed harmlessly below, and the crow returned to the post. I discovered that if the shot was a miss, the crow would not bother to move. The bullet could go within inches of the crow and it would just sit there. Each time I targeted it exactly the crow would jump up and return to the pole. Otherwise it ignored me.

We played around with this for about 15 minutes and we both seems to enjoy the little game.

Since then I have been studying crows. Truly a remarkable bird. Very complex social structure. Watching them over the years has been worth the time to occupy an othewise idle mind.

Probably should be a campfire post..
...........From Nomad.........Been "on the road" since '97