I recall reading a magazine as a kid (maybe Field and Stream) that discussed a bet between two hunters who frequent Africa as to whether a 12 guage slug could take down a Water Buffalo (same as a Cape Buffalo??).

The hunter who said it could apparently when hunting with the 12 guage and indeed did take down the buffalo in 2 or three shots - one of them breaking the buffalo's spine. The article emphasized that only a hunter who knew exactly where to shoot could expect that kind of success.

While I'm not against hunting, nor at all into it, it is seemed to me at the time that the buffalo was the one who lost the bet.

Back to the bears - there was a PBS program on the other night about remote Canadian lodges. One of the owners pointed out that they have NEVER had a problem with bears in their 80+ year history of leading hikes. He said that during Grizzly mating season they tend to stay in open areas or near the lodge in order to avoid trouble, but other than that they just make sure hiking groups made enough noise to give the bears time to stay away.