Originally Posted By: haertig
Originally Posted By: hikermor
It is interesting and kind of sad that this discussion of survival has focused on the standard, rather weary survivalist scenarioin which society collapses...

I thought the original question that started this thread was "How far would you go?" Further clarified in that first post with "Is there something that you will not do?"

That's asking for the extreme. Not for whether we'd choose matches or a lighter. What different direction were you expecting this thread to take given that initial question?

Apparently, there is some great question which can only be discussed in private, not in the open on this forum, so I assume there must be political or religious overtones which render this subject toxic. Big deal.

Something I hope I would not do in a survival situation is knowingly perform an act which would result in my survival, at the expense of the failure to survive of another. I have never been tested in a situation of this nature, so I don't know precisely how I would perform. Until tested, how does one know if they pass?
Geezer in Chief