Gosh - this is in the frame of "I just don't know!"

With that, I will defend myself and mine with all the entails - but for me, it will have to be situational and I just can't predict the variables that will come into play.

You can read all the fiction on "what if" and some of it is really good as well as thought provoking - You can (and should) read the non-fiction on how the civilians responded to D-day in France, how others survived and responded to actual events such as Kosovo. This can be a guide but "you will be you" and will have to deal with what comes up. The best advice is to mentally game it out and try to establish a flexible 'response plan' and then modify on the fly.

Hopefully I will never have to decide on something that critical and can co-exist/respond with my neighbors and colleagues in a proper and beneficial fashion. However, me and mine do come first.

Paul -