Originally Posted By: quick_joey_small
I didn't even look at the contents. For the UK, most US survival kits have a lot of stuff we can't use. There's nothing to burn on the hills, no fish to catch. Rarely bright enough to use a signal mirror...

And if I was in the US I'd always put Dougs kit in the belt anyway. He seems to know what he's doing.

Trouble with the zip belts is you have to take the belt off to get at anything but the first item.

Don't know where your 'cheap' comment is coming from. All the reviews I've read say their quality is high.


With basic (="survival") gear, it is the contents that count, not the container. I think the best strategy is to assemble the items that will do you the most good in your environment, placing a premium on compactness, versatility, and utility. You might wind up with as much as a pound or two of stuff, which, frankly, is no big deal to carry. There are all kinds of options that will keep this stuff close at hand.

I used "cheap" in the sense of marginal, barely adequate or serviceable for the intended purpose. The assemblage proposed for the belt places a premium on small size, which doesn't always yield the proper tool for the job. Sometimes redundancy is a good idea. I always carry matches in a waterproof container, a Bic, and a ferro rod, plus some kind of tinder. I want to be sure I can have a fire, even though at times and places, building a fire would be totally inappropriate (like right now in SoCal). Some seasonal adjustment is probably a good idea.

The bulk of my experience relates to the arid American West, as is the gear I routinely tote. Put me in a tropical rain forest, and i would have many lessons to learn (probably the hard way). The operational environment must be understood.

The prices quoted are highway robbery. One can do twice as well, for half the cost, with just a dab of thoughtful consideration, and wind up with gear that actually functions well.

QJS, you can't fool me. I have been in Merrie England, and I have actually seen the sun shine (and in Scotland, as well). And your streams actually have running water, unlike ours....
Geezer in Chief