Thailand cave rescue update: Boys soccer...sing for 9 days From the article it appears the rescuers are taking a methodical approach; a rope line has been laid out and they are preparing for a long term solution. I had some great ideas
but I’m not a spelunker nor a diver, and certainly not both at the same time, so why would I even want to start kibitzing with people on scene. There is apparently a lot of talent actively involved who have much better ideas as to what is needed and possible than one can glean from a CBS news article. I wish them the best of luck.
Edit: Second link with a graphic/map of the cave.
Thailand cave rescue: How to get Thai soccer team and coach out of Tham Luang Nang Non ...The British Cave Rescue Council, which has members taking part in the operation, estimates the boys are around 1.2 miles into the cave and somewhere around half a mile below the surface. Other estimates put the boys as far as 2.5 miles into the cave. ...