Good post, Montanero, and your perspective is quite valuable. Basically we carry about the same things, although I do regard the T as just a bit too specialized. But we have lots of things to wrap the victim up tightly where and when necessary. I am pretty sure my omnipresent red bandanna would wind up in whatever T I might have to improvise.

I suspect there is a further difference in combat/non-combat settings. Hopefully when in combat you are not isolated and someone is handy who sees blood spurting from an artery and can apply a T fairly promptly. In a lot of outdoor situations, the trauma results from a fall of varying length, say ten to 300 feet, and considerable time may lapse before help is at hand.

I recall an instance where we were tending a fall victim (90 foot drop; she survived primarily because she landed on her companion who expired. The physician treating her called to our nearby base asking for iV fluid. "What kind?" was the immediate response. 'Anything, anything at all," just get it here quickly. She had lost so much blood from multiple breaks that the concern was to simply get enough fluid back in her system so that the heart would have something to pump. Bleeding was controlled in this case with pressure bandages and splints. Thanks to rapid helo transport and the doctors care, she did indeed survive.

I think I have the same feeling about Quik-Clot - surely useful for deep penetrating wounds, not nearly so necessary for more common (in my experience, at least) bump and bang trauma. Keep the pressure on!!

I suppose the bottom line is, since there is only so much space in one's pack, to carry what you can use, and be ready to improvise, because there is almost more than one problem. Nothing beats a good patient survey.
Geezer in Chief