Well, 5.11 polo and pants is my work clothing so I'm not very 'grey' most days. I do keep a 'civilian' set of clothing in the car and can change out when/if needed. I also don't drive a marked vehicle unless at work as I commute to the office - a guy in a Prius is not very prepper (but maybe preppie?) looking.

As my job has me working with a lot of 'prepared' thinking people it's sort of funny in that we all have the same experience of being the neighborhood "expert" and when anything starts to go off-kilter, the guy down the block wants my advice. I try to downplay it but most everyone in our little community knows my work/background and often will reach out to me on issues. It is an OPSEC issue true, but it has also allowed me to be far more aware of my neighbors and who can be counted on if need be.

Paul -