From What you just said, It Seems that What you and Max are Saying, -May be the Same as my Saying "A 4,000 Mile Length or Less", (Meaning the Horizontal Line Going Out from the North Pole).

Indeed, Any Greater, and One Does Miss any Earth Tangent, -and Continues Off into Space Indefinitely! This is Something that I either said, -but More Likely Implied, -in my earlier Posts.

But Some People Do Draw the Horizontal Line Out Farther! NOT to Drop it Directly Downward as we've just Described. But to Go Outward some More, -So as to then Turn Back on a Line that would Take you Right to the Center of the Earth!

But in Our System of Just Directly Dropping Down, -the Center of the Earth is Missed too! Only at the Pole Itself, -Can Going Directly Downward (Thru the Earth), Take you to the Center of the Earth.

Of Course I'm Not Interested in the Center of the Earth! From your Description, -You might Not be either! Earlier I Didn't Know So. Whether you / your System, -was "Pro or Con", With Respect to Working With the Earth's Center.

Some Systems However Do! I Simply Do Not! I Don't Want to Come Back Down on the Earth from Above! (There you'd Never Have a Tangent!) I Just Want to Drop Down to Meet it at a Tangent to the Equator!

Of course I'll Measure Less Than 4,000 Mile Values too, -Towards Arriving at my Drop Off / Earth Curvature Figures.

You've Correctly Restated some of It. I'd like to Add Something that you Didn't Restate now, -And thats that you Drop Down Vertically Till you Reach the Earth *At an Equatorial Tangent"!*

That is Parrallel to the Earth's Axis, as you Mention. But it's Important to Note that our Construction is a Parralell to that Axis, -But One that is 4,000 Miles *Outward* from that Axis.

This could be One of those Things in Life, -that you *Don't* Do for a Practical Application!

Be it your Helpful Formulas, my Globe Measurements, or Both!, -I Will Get this Mystery and these Figures Solved! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]aardwolfe[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.