Thanks For That Too!, -Aardwolfe. I Knew it would be a Trigonometric Problem as Well. But my Half Year to a Year of Trig in Hi Skool, -is Rustier than Rusty! So I Wasn't Going to Explore there! But Thanks for your Invaluable Math and Formulae there Anyway! I'm Gonna Print your Post.

Another Problem that I Notice in some of the Formulas I've Seen, -is that their Outstretched Horizontal Level Line, "Stretches Out Beyond"!, -So that it's "Drop Down Point" to the Earth, is Perfectly on the Vertical. (If Extended Deeper into the Earth, -It would Reach the Center).

Let me Now Clarify Better.

As with you, -Here Too!, -a Picture would Do Better towards Explanation! But I Must Use Words. So Here Does Go!

In my Earlier Post, -I spoke of Drawing a Straight, Non-Sagging, Horizontal Line, Outward from Earth. One Endpoint of that Line, -Lets Call it it's Left End, -or "A", -Rests At and On the North Pole. It Extends Out 4,000 Miles Rightward (Lets Call that Eastward). It Ends at a Point in Outer Space. We'll Call that Point "B". This Line is Parrellel to the Plane of Earth's Equator.

Now MY Dropoff from that Point B, -Vertical *with Respect to Earth's Pole to Pole Axis!*, -of Which it is Parrellel to. *Would NOT be Vertical with Respect to a Dropoff Line from Point B Directly Towards Earth's Center!

In Order for the Above to Possibly Be the Case!, -the Outstretched Horizontal Line from the North Pole, -MUST Be a Good Bit Longer than the 4,000 Miles Originally Given!

I've Seen Formulas and Diagrams where that Line has been so Lengthened!

To Arrive at a Vertical Dropdown 8With Respect to Reaching the Earth's Center!*

That is Not What I am Interested In! / Seeking! / Nor Want!

I'm Speaking Rather of a Line A - B, -Which ONLY Goes Outward 4,000 Miles! (Or the Earth's Radius / Distance From Surface to it's Center).

I Do NOT then "Right Angle it to a Center Reaching Dropoff!* As I've Seen Others Do!

I Rather Drop Mine Down Right to Where it would Become a Tangent, -with a Point on Earth's Equator! This Drop Down Line from B of Line A - B, -We Will Now Call a New Line, -Line B - C.

This New Line B - C is Both Right Angled to the Original (and Still Present) Line A - B.

And It (B -C) is Parrallel to the Earth's Polar Axis. (4,000 Miles West of It.).

My Drop Down Line B - C *DOES NOT* Meet the Earth at a Purely Vertical, "Up and Down", Sense! But Rather at an Angle!, -with Respect to Such Verticality.

In Short, -Earth is in Round Figures 8,000 Miles in Diameter. Making of Course for an Approximately 4,000 Mile Radius. The Distance from Either Pole, -or for that Matter Any Point on Earth's Surface, -to Earth's Center, -is Also that Same Radius of 4,000 Miles.

I'm Simply Extending a Line, -Line A - B, -Horizontally Outward, / Parellel to the PLANE of Earth's Equator, / At Perpendicular Right Angles to the Line Coinciding with Earth's Axis.

For 4,000 Miles.

Here's Where I Now Depart from some of the Standard Formulas I've Seen!

When I now "Drop Off"!, -I DON'T now Drive Toward the Center of the Earth!

I Rather Drop to Meet a Point on Earth's Equator at a Tangent!

THIS is How I've Arrived at a 4,000 Mile Dropdown in 4,000 Miles Outward!, -There in my Earlier Post.

I'm NOT Interested in How Many Miles Directly Below me, -Towards Earth's Center, -the Surface of the Earth is!

(That, Incidentally, -is a Good Deal LESS than 4,000 Miles! WHILE an Extension All the Way to Earth's Center, -Would Be a Good Ways MORE than 4,000 Miles!)

Rather!, -I'm Simply Interested in Making MY Dropoff Line!, -Rather Meet a Point on the Earth's Equator, -at a Tangent!

All TOWARDS my Finding Out What I Want to Know!, -*How Much Distance the Curvature of the Earth Itself!, -Drops Down Away from you*, -*For Every TRULY Horizontal Mile Outward!*

You See, -There's a DIFFERENCE Between the Aims and Assumptions of Different Formulas!

MY Dropoff is NOT an EXTENDED Line A - B. That Others Use in Order to Drop Down Vertically toward the Center of the Earth!

MINE Rather Goes Only Horizontally Outward the Length of Earth's Radius / 4,000 Miles!

So as I Can TANGENTIALLY Meet the Equator!

For I Want to Know How Much the Earth Drops / Curves Down!, -in 4,000 Miles / It's Radius! Of Horizontal Line A - B Outward! And for Many Intermediate Values Between Zero and 4,000 Miles Outward!

That is the Difference!

Like With what you Said, -A Picture or Diagram should Explain It Better and Easier, -than my Verbal Explanation here!

I'm Not Sure that Your's or Nomad's Formulas, -Comport with the Specific, Different Need, -that I am Talking About Here!

But Thanks a Bunch to Both of You for It Anyway!

I'll Have to Get Better at Trig Anyway! Before I could Use It!

So I'll Still Construct my Physical Measuring Setup on my Globe! Towards These Ends. Sometime Anyway!

I've just Seen Too Many Formulas which Extend Themself Outward!, -BEYOND Earth's 4,000 Mile Radius! In Order to Go Back Down Vertically Toward Earth's Center!

Such Center Heading Verticality is NOT What I'm Interested In or Want! But Rather What I've now Described!

I Cannot Know or Be Sure that Your's or Nomad's Formula Satisfies Such! Plus my Not now Being Up to Trig!

So I'll Still Pursue this my "Physical Measuring Way"! But Thanks Kindly and a Lot Anyway to Both of You!, -For your Such!

ADDED EDIT NOTE, - -I Speak of a Tangentality to the Equator!, -Whereas I Think you Spoke of One with the Pole! (I Also, Incidentally Speak of One with the Pole.) It's 5 AM here in the East! Bedtime!, -Rather than Digging Back into your Post Time!, -Right Now! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]aardwolfe[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (07/03/04 09:10 AM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.