Are there any Formulas or Tables Giving Information about the Curvature of the Earth / Distances you Can See with your Eyes X Feet Above the Surface you Stand on? In either of these?
This is Something I've been Long Itching / Passionate!, -to Know! Of Just How Much the Earth Drops Away in Curvature!, -For Every Truly Straight and Level, -Horizontal Mile (or Kilometer) Outward!
I Have such Information out to 60 or so Miles, -from several Sources. I'd be Itching with Curiousity if I Didn't! But I am yet Itching to Get Out Hundreds and Thousands of Miles!
This is a Very Interesting Something!, -Which has Just Escaped Most People's Notice! Including Geographic and Sci-Tech Types! Astronomy and Science Books Abound with Planetary Information Tables, Geologic Era and Epoch Charts, the Periodic Table, Lists of Chemical Elements, Major Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Etc Etc Etc! But This One concerning the Very Curvature of our Earth!, -Nearly Always Escapes Notice!
Of Course with our Earth being about 8,000 Miles Wide, / 4,000 Miles from Surface to Center, -Then any Truly Horizontal Line Outward of 4,000 Miles, -Say from either one of the Poles, -Will End Just Above the Equator. A Right Angled Vertical Drop from there, -Will again 4,000 Miles Later, -Meet that Point on the Equator. So at Least Here, -I Know that it is a 4,000 Mile Drop. -For 4,000 Miles Outward. (All Figures are Round).
I'm Thinking of Constructing a Little Arm, -Which I'll Attach to my Globes North Pole. Extending Verically (And NON Saggingly) Outward. I'll Attach and Measure from Stings, from various Distances Outward! Thats How Much I'm Significantly Itching to Know!
So I'm just Wondering if the Two Resources that you Mention, -May Have Anything on This! And Hopefully Beyond just 60 Miles or so of Outward Distances. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]aardwolfe[/email]
Edited by ScottRezaLogan (07/02/04 11:43 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.