Some of the same issues were at play here during the Montecito mudslides. The timing and strength of the storm were accurately predicted days in advance. Flash floods and mudslides are common events following a fire that incinerates whole watersheds, as did the Thomas Fire.

Nontheless, many people, when informed they were in a mandatory evacuation zone and that a flood was imminent, elected to stay. Many had been out of their homes for a week or more. The debris flow hit in the early morning hours and exceeded all predictions. Severe damage and fatalities occurred in voluntary evac zones.

Me and Mrs. Hikermor were in a voluntary evac zone for that same event. I was confident we would not be flooded, and I was right, but emotionally, I had the same reaction -'No, not again! I ain't leavin'!!"

Spent today on chores around the house. I am fortunate to be able to say that....
Geezer in Chief