Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
How was the Ethiopian food? I love it but I always want to sneak some flatware in with me (traditionally you eat everything with your hands).

I think we must have looked pitiful enough that they just gave us forks to start with, figuring we'd never make it eating the traditional way. We also sat in the big chairs at a regular table. They had really short chairs in the back part of the restaurant, which I assume is the traditional Ethiopian dining style.

The food was good. Not my favorite ethnic food, but I'd certainly go for it again.

Here's what we had (ate family style - shared the various dishes):

Sambussa (lentils and pastry)
Lamb Tibs (lamb with peppers, onions, tomato)
Lamb Alicha (lamb with seasonings)
Engudai Tibs (mushrooms)
Atkilt Wot (cabbage)
Yemisir Wot (lentils)
Yekik Alicha (peas)
Gomen (collard greens)
Fosolia (green beans and carrots)
Salad (greens, tomatoes, onions)

I thought I remembered some squash dish too, but I'm not sure about that.

They had the most unusual bread. A very soft spongy texture, full of little holes, like a baby swiss cheese. Very mild in flavor, but it was good. My daughter told me that they ferment some ingredient for a few days when making the bread, and that gives it the unique texture. It had a special name, but I've forgotten what it was.

Yeah, we might have gone a little overboard. My daughter wanted to try everything it seemed like! The spices that are used were different than anything I have ever tasted. The lady who runs the place (host, waitress, chef and cashier all in one!) told us that she has the spices shipped directly from Ethiopia.

My favorites were the Sambussa, Engudai Tibs, Yekik Alicha, and Salad - in that order. Favorite meat dish was the Lamb Alicha. The thing I would pass on for next time was the Gomen.

OK, you got me - I really didn't remember the names of all those dishes. I had to cheat and go look at their online menu to refresh my memory!
