Originally Posted By: Comanche7

Something else that I've thought of to help my family is to purchase a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer. [standard disclaimer, I have no relationship with the company aside from being a potential customer].

Yes, these units are rather expensive (many of us would need to use their time payment plan) AND these units DO HAVE a few "quirks" that the operator needs to be aware of prior to purchase / use (examples - vacuum pump oil changes, minor maintenance etc. -- do a google search of "HARVEST RIGHT FREEZE DRYER ISSUES" for a better understanding.

Harvest Right was quick to respond and communicate informatively with me regarding answers that I specifically asked as a result of my research. They do seem to be proactively improving their product and I believe that in the long run, they may be an answer to helping my family to be prepared with familiar, home cooked meals using KNOWN products and sources that can be tolerated by our resident Celiac, with meals that she oversees and prepared herself.

Having these prepackaged freeze dried meals of her own creation available to take on trips and just in general to have a fast meal by adding water and heating will be of great benefit. Obviously these units can help many others with the more mundane aspects of being prepared as well and it would be nice to have foods properly prepared without all the additives etc. available for long term storage when properly packaged with oxygen removers, mylar bags and vacuum sealing or placing in cans or jars.

I've asked my son to research his insurance company to see if there is any possibility of re-numeration for such a purchase since this is obviously a well documented health issue. We'll see how that goes and my gut tells me that it will still wind up being a personal purchase.

Like any other specialized tool or piece of equipment, the operator needs to carefully follow the operating instructions for proper and safety. At several thousand dollars per unit, they are out of reach of many, but they certainly seem to have their use. I look forward to getting it when the time comes that I can make my last payment.

This post is NOT MEANT in a negative manner towards Harvest Right, they've produced a product that the market is sadly lacking in such equipment for home use, and in certain cases may be very beneficial health wise for those with medical issues we've discussed. Just wanted to share info that I researched and your mileage may vary.

Thank you for that...It would be a nice addition to our arsenal. We have a dehydrator, so we can dry meat for later use, but it would be nice to have more options for every day use and for prepping.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng