
Wow, I understand what you've been (and are) going through. Congratulations on finding out what it was and being able to address it so completely.

My daughter in law was diagnosed Celiac some time back and it was a real learning experience for all of us (large family gatherings needing special menu items prepared in a separate area from anything else being a prime example). The pantry at their house contains a lot of foods that are expensive and do not taste at all familiar. We were all shocked at some of what (like you) our son told us that they had to do (changing cookware, tossing pantry, deep cleaning etc.)

Fortunately my grandson does not seem to have the issue and he is able to visit me and eat, but I do make sure that he has a complete change of clothes to go back home with so that I can ensure that he does not inadvertently bring any allergens back to his Mom.

Dining out with her is also an adventure, there are few restaurants that really seem to have a grip on the seriousness of Celiac.

In our experience Chik Filet is generally pretty good about handling requests for special orders for her, but it is still hard to ensure that packaging / handling does not cross contaminate items.

We've noticed in the south Fla area that more stores are starting to stock specialty food items for Celiac sufferers, however as you've already commented, pricing and taste remain more than slightly problematic.

Best wishes to your family,
