Originally Posted By: dougwalkabout
Hello again Byrd_, glad to see you are still dropping by.

A person in my extended family is full-blown Celiac, and believe me it's no joke. All our family events deal with this -- even accidentally moving a spoon from one one pot to another can have very serious medical effects. One large exposure can nuke somebody's digestion for many months. Yikes.

So FWIW I understand how that can upend everything. Please post details of how you have adjusted for this.

Thank you. I took some time away when I retired, but got to spend a lot of it outdoors. You are correct to say that Celiac disease, a hereditary auto-immune disorder, is serious. Undiagnosed, it leads to malnutrition, cancer, and death. This is much different than the 'gluten intolerance' that many people have developed. For a Celiac, a single breadcrumb can cause an immune response as if it were a virus, and seriously damage parts of the digestive system, as well as making the sufferer immediately sick. The reason this is relevant to prepping is that as 'moderate' preppers, we had 30 days of food and water etc in storage. What you learn from Celiac is that many unexpected foods contain, or are contaminted with, grain gluten. For example, none of those 25 year survival rations can be eaten by a person with Celiac, even in an emergency. Canned and frozen green vegetables, jam and jelly, whole chickens, granola bars, most chips and crackers, medications, some canned meat, canned beans, powdered drinks, and the list goes on and on, contain wheat, barley, oat, or rye starch or proteins, or are contaminated in the processing. It was a sick, sinking feeling when we realized that she was now vulnerable and we were no longer 'prepared', nor could anyone come to our aid with food in an emergency. To keep this post from getting too long, I'll tell you what we did in another post.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng