QJS... the style is primarily for continuous open pistol and allied gear carry... mine is aimed at the law enforcement market, but the given examples were for the competition shooters (USPSA is the United States Region for IPSC), I shoot 3 gun (rifle, shotgun,pistol) and use it to carry all the additional ammunition needed for all three... the velcro under belt allows you to have a belt to hold up your pants, and still remove the holster, magazine pouches etc and quickly replace it... they are very stiff to hold the holster in position... the actual ammunition carriers are modular, so I can add or remove them if I shoot just a pistol match
for a typical 3 gun match it gets pretty heavy...,retention holster and a Glock 34, 3 6round carriers for 12ga, 2 30round 5.56 magazine carriers, and 2 18round 9mm carriers... a 30 round shot shell pouch is added for long jungle run courses