I don’t worry too much about it. My truck is a kit on wheels with lots of gear. The GHB is just part of it. For work my only EDC is pocket carry, other work items are only for work; I would leave them in the truck if I needed to strike out on foot. There’s no laptop/tablet to fret about, but my iPhone will stay in its pocket.

So the plan is to get back to the truck (normally a short walk), dump whatever work stuff I need to dump and then just listen to the radio to get a bit more SA, then make a decision to remain with the truck, get a room or start walking.

The decision is situational dependent. Did the “Big One” knock down a bridge or is it just bad traffic. If it’s just bad traffic (a common condition in SOCAL) I’ll hit a good brewery that’s on the way and have dinner without the beer (yeah, they serve dinner). If it’s a big EQ and bridges are a problem, then walking home may not be in the cards at all. Being stuck at work in this situation is not a bad thing. This is why the truck is a kit and I wait to get better information. Walking home is ~25 miles, but that first bridge being out is a show stopper. It would take one helluva EQ to take that bridge down so it being out would be an indicator of a very bad regional situation.

If/when I do start walking, leaving the truck at work is not a problem, it’s very secure.