Has anyone tried the Kindle version of this study manual?
I borrowed the paper version from my local library several months back, but didn't get to finish it before I had to return it (long waiting list on the book, so I couldn't renew).
Then I kind of forgot about it. Now I want to go back and continue on and get my license.
Has anyone tried the Kindle version of this book? Does it have all the content and drawings/pictures of the print version? Is it easily searchable? And - slightly specialized and off topic - has anyone converted it from Kindle Format to EPUB format using Calibre and its DeDRM plugin? How did the conversion turn out? I would prefer to read it on my Barnes & Noble Nook than my Kindle Fire, but they don't sell it for the Nook platform. Both the Nook and Kindle Fire screens are relatively small, and I also wonder how that would work with a book of this format (plentiful pictures and drawings).
I don't think I would buy the print version, because most of it is a simple review for me (library rental covers that need, even if I have to wait a little longer to renew). But I might buy the electronic version, just so I'd always have it with me in case I had a few free minutes for study while out and about (I usually have my Kindle Fire and Nook with me).