Everywhere on planet Earth there are potential hazards, either natural or man made. Learn them and prepare/take precautions, which is what we are attempting to accomplish on ETS. The more knowledgeable you are concerning the hazard profile of your surroundings, the better you can prepare for problems.

I must say that I am glad for all the first aid/emergency services training I have received over the years. I have been able to apply it to perfect strangers, good friends, members of my immediate family, and myself. That goes as well for all the safety training I have endured - it actually did cause me to behave in ways that were better. I took risks from time to time, but I was usually aware of the costs and rewards involved.

This being the 11th of September, we all realize that trouble can rear its head even in what one would consider to be very safe environments. The best one can do is prepare for life's little glitches, and endeavor to act honorably and appropriately when the bell rings
Geezer in Chief