Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
Of course, I do blame my low alcohol tolerance today on the fruit cakes my mom made for Christmas 1980. She put them in the cold cellar in the Fall, so they would be ready for Christmas. Or maybe that was her mincemeat. Or both. (The mincemeat may have had rum in it too, come to think of it. LOL!) I'm not sure how many fruit cakes we ate, or how many jars of mincemeat, but my brother and I finished them all before the day before Christmas Eve. At 46 years old, I have rarely been in so much trouble.

It's the get to know you stories like this that I enjoy reading on ETS.

Jeanette Isabelle
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday