Has anyone found that there are positive knock-on effects in the quest to be well equippedl?
The ethos of being prepared, choosing the right equipment (or not, as my wallet will testify!) and generally making some order out of my life, has made me more focused and organised.
For example. My apartment has never looked so clean and organised. For once in my life I know where everything is, and I very rarely lose anything.
I realised also that all the best equippment in the world will mean nothing if you don't look after yourself....so with a lot of will and determination, I gave up smoking, and for the first time in 5 years visited my dentist.
The result:
I am irritable, and slightly fatter. My dentist is £1000 richer, with a promise of more to come. However I am happy with my life. I am happy with the sense of empowerment, of being in control, that being prepared seems to given me.
Is it just me? Has anyone else noticed a change in thier life style?